In January-February 1976 the Kornyfone company released a series of 7 LP, similar to those that were released under the "ZAP" label (see entry THE "ZAP" COLLECTION) and in large part duplicating the content of the ZAP LPs. In this case the records were released as TAKRL. Also the layout was very similar, an insert printed in various colors, with the sequential number of the series, and the track listing. All inserts had an attempt at the indication of the source of the tracks, but that was often inaccurate, either because of scarce knowledge of the producer, or in an attempt to defraud buyers suggesting that they would find something not available elsewhere or very rare. Indeed, all these records were simply remasterings of other bootlegs by the same company. Compared to the ZAP series, here we have only one or at most very few pressings. All the records were distributed with white or very light cream blank labels with SIDE ONE / SIDE TWO indication. These are the 7 records:

Matrix Number: TAKRL 1985-A / TAKRL 1985-B
This LP is a copy of MANUAL EXCITATION (which in turn was a copy of sides C & D of HAHST AZ SÖN)
The record has a light cream insert; the disc labels are light cream. The producer even made a mistake while preparing the layout of the insert by adding an "n" to the title. He did not notice, or more likely did not care.

This record came with insert printed monochromatic bluish on light yellow paper, or bicolor, with a reddish median stripe. The sources indicated for most of the tracks are wrong. White TAKRL labels.

The record was released with a yellow-orangeor a light yellow insert. Disc labels were the very light cream TAKRL. Again the indication of the sources of the tracks is partly wrong.

Matrix Number: TAKRL 1988-A / TAKRL 1988-B
This LP was mastered using the same tape that originated NO OBVIOUS TITLE (the First Amendment in the "ZAP" series)
This record appeared with an insert printed in yellow-orange paper. The labels were blank white with side indications. The source of the recording is again partly wrong.

Matrix Number: TAKRL 1989-A / TAKRL 1989-B
This LP has on side A a copy of side A of BACK UPON US ALL (the Fourth Amendment in the ZAP series) and on side B a copy of side A of THE TOUR ALBUM (the Third Amendment in the ZAP series).
This record was distributed with an insert printed on light yellow paper. The labels are very light cream with side indications. The source of the tracks is indicated more precisely.

Matrix Number: TAKRL 1995-A / TAKRL 1995-B
This LP is the same as NEXT-TO-LAST RECORDING SESSION (the Fifth Amendment in the ZAP series), i.e. a copy of the Wizardo LP LET IT BE 315.
The record was released with an insert printed bichromatic, with a lighter or reddish horizontal stripe. White labels with side indication.

Matrix Number: TAKRL 1998-A / 1998-B
This LP was mastered using the same tape that originated LIVERPOOL FLASH (the Sixth Amendment in the ZAP series).
This record was released with a light yellow insert. The disc labels were the very light cream with side indication.
INTEREST. Together with the companion "ZAP" series, this series is one of the most useless Beatles releases ever appeared. Maybe in 1976 a casual listener could find something that he/she did not know, but any Beatles collector could not find a single track not appeared elsewhere. Now (but also then!) only interesting for completists. *