Label: TMOQ
Matrix Number: BGB 111 A - RI / BGB 111 B - RI
Release Date: July 1971
Country: USA
Source: Copy of GET BACK (Lemon Records) (excluding Across the Universe)
Sound Quality: VG-mono (left channel of the stereo only)
This is a mono copy of the Lemon Records GET BACK release, with the deletion of Across the Universe. It is a mono record that includes the left channel of the stereo issue only. Indeed, the master tapes of this album, that we heard from the producer, were derived from the Lemon records and were excellent stereo, but the pressing plant was not equipped for stereo records, hence the metal masters were cut in mono reproducing the left channel only. We list some releases that we saw.
July 1971 (photo below the title). The first pressing appeared with a rubber stamped title on a colored cardboard jacket, with a round colored "pig" sticker; the disc, on colored vinyl, had a colored label with big side indications, colored vinyl. Various colors of jackets, labels and vinyl exist; indeed, as the producer told us, each batch of records was pressed in a variety of different colors, even on the same day. Some discs have square labels, we cannot determine whether these were used together with the round labels, but it's a really rare version. Other records by TMOQ released in July 1971 have the same square labels.
Late 1971. In late 1971 the disc were pressed on colored vinyl and had white labels with rings; an insert was added, titlesd GET BACK SESSIONS, with the subtitle STUDIO SESSIONS.
Early 1972. Sleeve as on the first pressing, colored vinyl, white label with a small black pig and a "Made in Holland" indication. This was done to pass off the records as Dutch releases, to avoid problems with copyrights, and to have an easy export to Europe, since in Holland it was totally safe to distribute bootleg albums at the time.

From June 1972 to early 1973. White label with black pig, without the "Made in Holland" indication or, in June 1972, while labels with big 1/2 side indication and rings around the border.
Summer 1973. The jacket had a square silver or gold sticker, occasionally a round gold sticker; the labels were black or dark green with a silver pig. Colored vinyl.

1974. A special version, with an orange label with the track listing and a label with a big pig label on the other side, was pressed. The discs were on black vinyl.

Some of the records were distributed in a special sleeve with TMOQ drawings. These were probably produced by the second of the two original TMOQ producers.

1977. A new insert cover, titled GET BACK SESSIONS, was prepared; the discs were pressed on colored or multicolored vinyl and had no label. This version was realized by a technician working at the pressing plant, where the stampers were kept, to get some money for buying drugs.

1978. Ruthless Rhymes label, insert titled GET BACK, reproducing the Lemon Records "Rooftop" slipsheet, without the Lemon logo; the copies pressed on colored vinyl had the indication "Collector's edition" added to the slipsheet. Some copies had blank labels with the Lemon logo still on the insert, whereas others had an insert derived from RENAISSANCE MINSTRELS, with the title written in the lower part. This last insert was also used for a reissue of KUM BACK derived from the S-1 / S-2 stampers on the GLC labels (see here).

Early 1980. Insert titled GET BACK SESSIONS, as above but in smaller size, and POD labels. One hundred copies were pressed on April 1, 1980 as indicated on the sleeve of the mothers from which the new stampers were cut.

INTEREST. Although of distinctly lower quality than the original source, the first releases in colored vinyl, as with all the TMOQ, maintain a high collectible value. ***. The later reissues are scarcely interesting. **/*.
TMOQ-smokin' pig released this record in early 1973, using stampers derived from the BGB-111-RI masters, with the old numbers erased and 1801 A / 1801 B added.
Early 1973. The insert was copied from the TMOQ slipsheet with the pig logo replaced by the smokin' pig logo; colored vinyl, white label with TMOQ-smokin' pig logo.
Early 1974. A new pressing had black vinyl and colored TMOQ-Smokin' pig labels; same insert as #1

On November 7, 1974, new mothers and stampers were cut, with the old numbers 1801 also scratched and TMQ-71024 A / TMQ-71024 B added.. These records were pressed at the Los Angeles 'Rainbo' pressing plant, with the single ring at 33 mm from the spindle hole.

These stampers were used in November 1974 for a release on black vinyl, colored TMOQ-smokin’ pig label, and again in 1983, with a new insert cover, on black vinyl with colored TMOQ-smokin' pig labels.
INTEREST. Not as interesting as the first TMOQ release, but the pressings from early 1973 in colored vinyl retain some interest. ***/*
Wizardo Records copied the TMOQ album in spring 1976, on an LP titled GET BACK SESSIONS STUDIO OUTAKES, matrix WRMB-352 A / WRMB-352 B. This is by far the worst copy of the "Get Back Sessions" ever produced. It is taken from a TMOQ record with noticeably decreased sound quality; moreover, it lacks the last two tracks and has Let It Be abruptly interrupted after 2:48. Three issues have been seen:
Spring to late 1976. Insert numbered WRMB 320, printed on pink or white paper, yellow / green El' Wizardo labels with multicolored vinyl or red Wizardo Re-issue series or Cat'n'Dog labels on black vinyl (this last one was released in late 1976)).

1977. New stampers were cut, with WRMB-352 scratched and the TMOQ-smokin' pig record number 73201 added, insert reproducing the Lemon Record "rooftop" cover, green "Von Grossenshush" labels with fake titles in German language.

INTEREST. The Wizardo versions on colored and multicolored vinyl have a good collectible value ***. The other releases are worthless. *.
Another copy of this record was released in 1976, along with a copy of GET BACK SESSIONS 2 (VIRGIN PLUS THREE); in this record the two TMOQ records were squeezed onto a single LP, which bore Idle Mind labels, matrix / TMQ 71068 A.B / TMQ-71024 A.B. The first track of side 1 is The Long and Winding Road, lifted from side 2, where there was not enough space. This record came with two yellow-orange inserts, one with the "phonograph" cover and the second reproducing the VIRGIN PLUS THREE insert or, alternatively, with a light blue insert with the "phonograph" cover and the second insert in orange-pink paper reproducing the original MORE GET BACK SESSIONS cover.

INTEREST. Another record useful only for completists. *.