Company: TMOQ
Matrix Number: LLS-101 A M / LLS-101 B M (letter M small, written above LLS 101 A and by side of B on side B
Release date: spring 1971
Country: USA
Sound Quality: VG mono
Source: a copy of LAST LIVE SHOW by Live Records
The TMOQ company made its own copy of this record in early 1971, copying the Live Records release. Unfortunately, no cutting date was written on the sleeve of the metal masters or mothers.
1. spring 1971 (photo under the title). Rubber-stamped cover with round sticker, titled LAST LIVE SHOW, colored vinyl, colored label with large side indications. Some copies, with the same jacket, had with blank white labels.
2. early 1972. Same as #1, white labels with rings and side indications, insert in "child writing" added, with title and track listings. In some copies the insert was numbered TMQ 71012.
3. spring-summer 1972. White label with "Made in Holland" indication and a drwaing of a small pig. Mr. Pigman told us some nice stories about this label, see the link.
4. early 1973. Rubber-stamped cover with a square silver or gold sticker, black or colored label with silver pig, colored vinyl.
5. Late 1973-1974. Label with a drawing of a large pig on side A and the track listing on side B; two versions exist: one on colored vinyl was distributed with the untitled cardboard jacket derived from the Stout "cartoon" sleeve, which was used for some of the TMOQ-smokin' pig records; another version had the usual rubber-stamped cover, with a round sticker and was pressed on black vinyl.
6. 1975. Insert in part of the issues renumbered S-202, white label with pig.
7. 1978. Ruthless Rhymes label, new insert titled SHEA ... AT LAST, black vinyl, packaged with a true postcard of the Shea Stadium, or colored vinyl and insert with "Collector's edition colored vinyl".
8. 1978-1980. Reissue on colored vinyl with no labels. These unlabeled records were created by a junkie who was not a member of the TMOQ group and who went to the pressing plant, where the stampers were kept, and had some records pressed in colored vinyl to raise money until he died of OD.
9. 1984. LXXXIV series n° 44, same title as # 6, blue vinyl, limited edition of 100 copies
10. 1986. Colored TMOQ label, full color deluxe laminated cover titled SHEA!, parodying HELP!. Black as well as colored or white vinyl.
11. early 1987. Same cover as #8, black vinyl, Reformation orange/cream labels or TMOQ labels; this version was pressed from new stampers derived from the original LLS-101 A / LLS-101 B masters with the old numbers scratched and 1310 added.
INTEREST. The first pressing has a high collectible value, even though it is relatively common (***), the repressings are less interesting, also depending on whether they are on colored or black vinyl (***/*).
TMOQ-Smokin' pig released this show in 1973 on matrix 1800 A / 1800 B, derived from the original LLS-101 masters with the old numbers erased. We saw, or know about the existence, of these pressings:
1. early 1973. Same insert as TMOQ, with new numbers added; white label with the Smokin' pig logo replacing the pig logo; colored (probably also black) vinyl, stampers with 1800 A / 1800 B and old LLS-101 numbers erased.
On November 7, 1974, new mothers were cut, with also 1800 erased and TMQ 71012 A / TMQ 72012 B added. Stampers were cut on February 12, 1975 and again on February 17, 1975. These stampers were used throughout the seventies until the 1983 issue.
2. Unknown date, probably between November 1974 and late 1975. A goofy release appeared, with a curious stamped cover titled LAST LIVE SHOW, and a part of the track listing. It had blue TMOQ-Smokin' Pig labels. Three copies were seen, thus this is surely not a hand-made cover for a record that had lost the insert. Another weird insert, titled LAST ALIVE CONCERT was used for a release with blank blue labels, probably also appeared in the same period. These records were not produced by Mr. Smokin' pig, so they were probably released by some bootlegger who had access to the stampers kept at the pressing plant.
1975. White labels with the Smokin' pig logo, or blank labels, insert reproducing the SHEA THE GOOD OLD DAYS "Butcher Cover" insert.
1981. A release was produced on GLC labels from the same renumbered stampers, as indicated by a label glued onto the sleeve of the stamper. We have not seen any copies with this label, but probably this version had the same insert as the record described here below.
1983. New repressing, folder-type insert titled SHEA AT LAST, with a part of the press conference printed on the folded side, same renumbered stampers, colored TMOQ-Smokin’ pig label.
INTEREST. Generally scarcely interesting releases (**/*), with the exclusion of the releases indicated with #2, which are quite unusual and thus interesting for collectors. ***
The 1983 TMOQ-Smokin' pig release was the source of the European copy by Strawberry Records, released in 1985, on matrix TMQ 71012 RR A / TMQ 71012 RR B, title SHEA AT LAST.
INTEREST. A nice collection, useful for completists interested in the entire series **